Information for contacting our
offices or specific directorates

JSC "OGCC KazStroyService"
Head office
280, Baizakov Street, Almaty, 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan
Uralsk Branch
22, Industrial zone, Zhelaevo settlement, Uralsk, 090013, West-Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (771) 809 49 81Atyrau Branch
South Kazakhstan Branch
50, Kapal Batyr Str., Enbekshy district, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (700) 025 08 66 +7 (7252) 442 053Branch in Svobodny, the Russian Federation
82, Shatkovskaya Str., Svobodny, 676454, Amur Region, the Russian Federation
Central Equipment Base Branch
319, Astana Ave., postal code 160806, Aksu village, Aksukent rural district, Sairam district, Turkestan region, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (72531) 6901, 6902, 6903, 6904Thailand branch
888 MEC Tower, 15th Floor, Room 15/1 Bangna – Trad Road, Bangna Sub-district, Bangna District, Bangkok 10260
Representative office in Nur-Sultan
19, Kabanbai Batyr Ave., n.p.1, 010000, Yessil district, Nur-Sultan, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (701) 707 74 31 +7 (7172) 792 944Atyrau Branch
Industrial base
20, Belinsky Str., Land area of 4.4512 ha, Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (707) 722 44 77Atyrau Branch
Industrial base
Geological rural district, district of Atyrausnab JSC, Land area of 8.8544 ha, Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (707) 722 44 77Atyrau Branch
Industrial base
50, Auezov Str., Land plot of 1.2000 ha, Atyrau, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (707) 722 44 77Atyrau Branch
Land plot
Geological rural district, Keden Trans LLP area of 1.5000 ha, Atyrau
+7 (707) 722 44 77Atyrau Branch
Land plot
Geological rural district, area of Atyrausnab JSC production base of 0.2600 ha, Atyrau
+7 (707) 722 44 77CEB
Railway siding and production base
057 Block, Land plot of 5 ha, Karasu rural district, Sairam district, South Kazakhstan region
+7 (777) 649 45 20Uralsk Branch
Industrial base
22, Industrial zone, Land plot of 11.3372 ha, Zhelaevo settlement, Uralsk, 090013, West Kazakhstan region, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (701) 213 01 33South Kazakhstan Branch
Industrial base
68, Zhibek Zholy Ave., 0.7103 ha, Enbekshy district, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 777 649 45 20Mangystau Branch
Dormitory for 66 people
Land plot of 1556 sq.m., Inventory №MF-004345, Mangistau region, Republic of Kazakhstan,
+7 (707) 722 44 77South Kazakhstan Branch
Industrial base
50, Kapal Batyr Str., 3.12 ha, Enbekshy district, Shymkent, Republic of Kazakhstan
+7 (777) 649 45 20Branch in Svobodny, the Russian Federation
86, Pavlova Str., Svobodny, 676460, Amur Region, the Russian Federation
280, Baizakov Street, Almaty, 050040, Republic of Kazakhstan